The Lobethal Lutheran Community
At Lobethal Lutheran School we believe students need to be at the centre of their learning and should have true ownership in their school. Students are given opportunities to have input into decisions, voice concerns and make suggestions to improve their school, as well as becoming more aware of the wider community.
Leadership is integral to life-long learning. All students should have the opportunity to demonstrate and develop leadership skills. Student leadership roles include School Captains, House Captains and Student Representative Councillors. Students who aspire to a student leadership role, demonstrate an understanding of and model Lutheran School Values of: Love, Justice, Compassion, Forgiveness, Service, Courage, Humility, Hope, Quality and Appreciation in every aspect of school life.
School Captains are provided with opportunities to participate in workshops with other Lutheran Primary School Leaders.

OSHC and Vacation Care
Lobethal Lutheran School works in partnership with Lobethal Community Kindergarten and Lobethal Primary School to provide OSCH and Vacation Care services to our families.
This facility is located at Lobethal Primary School. To access this facility a free shuttle bus is provided between our sites, 5 days per week, for both before and after school care. Vacation Care is also available for all school holiday periods.
Open Arms Community Child Care Centre
Lobethal Lutheran School works in partnership with Open Arms Community Child Care Centre, Lobethal Community Kindergarten and Lobethal Primary School to provide OSCH and Vacation Care services to our families.

The Lobethal Lutheran Church
Lobethal Lutheran Church is a caring Christian community situated in the beautiful “Valley of Praise” in the Adelaide Hills. We are a part of the Adelaide Hills Zone group of Lutheran churches. We work closely with the northern Hills churches of Birdwood, Spring Head and Woodside.
We warmly welcome visitors to join us for worship. You are welcome to join us at 9:30am and stay for while enjoying a ‘cuppa’ and chat afterwards.
We are keen to share God’s message of love, hope and salvation with you and our community.
Regular Sunday Worship Services
9:30 am Traditional Worship
A traditional style service with organ-led hymns.
This service is broadcast on local radio on 88 FM from 10 am until 9 pm each Sunday. Reception can be picked up around Lobethal, Woodside, and other surrounding locations. Music is led by a variety of bands.
Holy Communion alternates between service times each week.
Morning tea and fellowship in the narthex follows each service.
Children’s activity folders are available at both services.
10 am Special Services
Combining traditional and contemporary elements, we combine our worship on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and other special celebrations, as well the last Sunday in December through to the end of January. This service is broadcast on radio in place of the 9:30 service.

Shed Men
This community group meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at various sheds and venues around the picturesque Adelaide Hills. Typically this involves a barbeque dinner followed usually by guest speaker.
(BYO meat, drink, chair)
For more information about the next community event, contact: Terry, PH: 8389 5152
Women’s Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30am in the church basement, beginning with a Bible Study open to everyone (both women and men).
After Bible Study and a ‘cuppa’, the Women’s Fellowship meeting begins.
For more information, contact: Beryl Smith PH: 8389 6700
Lobethal Christian Community Care
Lobethal Christian Community Care is an initiative of the combined Christian churches in Lobethal to provide support to those in need.
A Care table is situated in the church narthex, where donations can be made. There is also opportunity to share excess produce etc that we have been blessed with, for others to purchase for a donation.
Please contact the church office on 83896069 if you know of someone who could be supported through this group.